My friend tried her hand at making those popular push cakes last night. Do you remember ever eating the Nestle Push-Up ice creams? Well, they are still around but, now they have gone a step up! So, instead of ice cream you use plastic tubes and fill them with cake, frosting, sprinkles, then more cake, more frosting and more sprinkles. By the time you are done you have a tube filled with goodness. Can't go wrong there!
Where you can go wrong is trying to find the most important part: the tubes. My friend decided at the last minute to make these so she found the tubes at a local cake supply store. Mistake number 1. She paid $1.25 per tube and that just didn't seem like an economical treat for a party/shower or wedding - especially if you need to make like 50 of them! So, I did a little research and I found them priced pretty much the same on all sites (around $60 for 100 pops):- - $61.12
- - $73.55
- - $67.21
Now, the question is: what do I use to fill them? Well, pretty much anything! I have heard of people doing it the easy way: buying the premade mini brownies at the grocery store, baking a cake and then crumbling the cake inside or my friend ended up using a mini muffin pan and baking her cake in that. The result was a perfect looking push cake!
You can also use this "Handmade with love!" sticker I created:
Did you know that a package of Avery 8293 labels is part of our October "Meant To Bee" Giveaway? You could win this prize package - enter here!
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