Hot look for 2010: the drop veil. Add to that the exquisite hair-bling underneath it all and you've got one stunner look going. . . Yes, drop veils are exactly as you see here, actually dropped onto the head in a single layer of tulle or lace, sometimes bordered with lace or ribbon. Generally, more ornamental gowns look best with simple veils, like one layer of tulle whereas all over lace veils or ones edged with wide borders require a simple gown with little adornment. Your dress might have some exquisite back details you want to show off. If this is the case select a try a layer of tulle like that shown in the images here— in a dropped style that doesn’t fall in creases and folds across your back. Tulle is the best fabric for this; it’s transparent enough without being so opaque to fog detail.
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