Yes, Kennedy Weddings may be ten years old but so what? For me it has been a research savior when doing Bride Chic's regular feature on iconic weddings called, Happy Anniversary. And I ask you, what could be more iconic than America's numero uno political family getting married? Now with three generations of them limelighted, you can imagine how often a Kennedy anniversary pops up on the calendar. The most celebrated of all would be JFK and Jackie's nuptials, the author Jay Mulvaney sharing so much new and unique info that even ten years after the book's publication, the Google search is lacking. If you're curious about other Kennedys who aren't so much in the public eye, here's your chance to get to know all about their courtships and time and place in history. For instance, I learned that JFK's sisters Pat and Jean whose 1950s weddings were a couple years apart, wore the very same gown designed by Hattie Carnagie. And did you know Jackie's gown and wedding style were not the type she particularly wanted? To find out more tidbits though you need to sit down with this book. I guarantee you'll get thoroughly lost in it . . . .
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