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Monday, June 30, 2008
New Favorite!

What I used in the Wedding Bag!
Our "What I used in the Wedding Bag" Series has moved to a more appropriate home, Be A Planner!
Be sure to check out Be A Planner for it's fun updates and great articles!
Hey, while you are thinking about it, add it to your Google Reader now!
Blue and Brown, Revisited

Sources:M&Ms, French macaroons, Cappuccino, Shoe, Welcome bag, Suit, Cootie catcher,
Favor gift cards, Motorcycle, Cupcakes, Chocolates, Brown dress
Friday, June 27, 2008
Cake Week has come to a Close

If you need more cake, check out Let's Eat Cake! we feature a new cake with every post!
KB Kake Week!

Not only do they make gorgeous cakes, but they are also super sweet themselves. Their specialty cakes will make your wedding memorable! They can customize anything your little heart desires and are always open to new ideas! The groom’s cakes are always a hit.
The signature (and most popular) flavors at KB Kake Kreations are Signature Wedding White with Raspberry filling and The Chocolate Truffle with Ganache. Both of which are oh so tasty!
Although these are their most popular combinations, you can create your own dream cake from a variety of flavors.
Not only are these cakes a looker…but they taste amazingly delicious too! Kathy only accepts one wedding per weekend, so be sure to reserve your date as soon as possible, she fills up fast!
To learn more about KB Kake Kreations, visit their new and improved website and brand spaking new blog.

Thank you Kathy and Erika for allowing us to feature you in MasterPiece Weddings Cake Week 2008!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Summer Lovin'

{Peyton with her shades ready for the pool}

{Sydney thinks the water's just fine}
{Peyton is all too pretty in her dress}
So sorry for the wedding interruption, but I thought those were too fun to not share them with you!
More Cake Week!

Jenny even does Cheesecake Wedding Cakes! Her cakes are delicious and beautiful - she even opened up a little dessert bakery in Downtown Gainesville! So if you are ever in the area, check out Cakes!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Ritzy Wedding!

Cheese Whiz Wedding - A wedding so tacky, classless, tasteless and gaudy that it can only be described as 6 inches of spray-can cheese on a soggy Ritz Cracker.
Thanks for the laugh, Jack Weston!
Cake Week!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Contact Update

It's fixed! Hooray!
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you!
Cake Week Continues!

Monday, June 23, 2008
What I used in the Wedding Bag!

I love how you always need to use the same things, but in different ways... And I absolutely love being prepared!
Cake Week Starts.... NOW!
Let's start with Ms. Debbie (not the hostess cupcake baker) but a woman with the same name and the same knack for cake! Her cakes are delicious! She is quite an artist, I love working with her! She moved to North Florida from Miami to slow down, and business has done anything but!

Friday, June 20, 2008
It's Great to have Friends!
Grandpa Joe passed away last week, it has been such a sad time for us. But he'd been sick for a bit. So, when we found out that Grandpa Joe was in Hospice and it was imminent that time was extremely short, John (my husband) and I started to gather some of the old photographs that we have.
Well Susan had invited me over for lunch and asked that I bring the photographs... I did. This way we'd have some nice images to display at the services. I took these images and others from the 40's, 50s, 60s, allll the way to the present and made a collage, it was a big hit! Everyone loved looking at those old pictures! It was a great way to remember what a fun and charming man Joe was!
And I'd like to show you the before and after's.

Notice how Grandpa looks much smoother and I don't have dark circles under my eyes! And she zoomed in on the image so that we were front, and the back round isn't as dark. Gosh, she's a magician!

This is my favorite picture! It was taken about 7 years ago, and he just looks so happy! I love his smile, it just warms you through and through! She brought more light to Peggy, and softened up Grandpa, got rid of a sore above his mouth, and best of all, he still looks like himself!
Thank you Susan for helping me create photographs that will be with the family forever!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Do you Want to Be a Planner?
Another Poll...
Some photographers allow the clients to own all of their images, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Some only a certain number of images- does this matter to you?
Let me know what you think...
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I was on the News!!!!

My First Wedding

Setting up was a breeze. Joan from Prange’s Florist was wonderful. She had everything ready for the table centerpieces. The only major thing we had to do was to arrange and re-arrange (about 4 times) the dining room chairs. People kept coming in and moving them! Finally, we got smart and locked the doors :)
My wonderful helpers, Cara and Christina {and Melissa} did a beautiful job of decorating the ceremony site while I set up the special moment where the bride and groom first saw each other. That was the most exciting new thing I got to do as the lead consultant! I had the honor of putting on her veil, fixing her make-up, and slipping on her garter....just moments before she saw her groom!
In previous weddings, I was always the girl that stayed back with the bride during the processional. So, I was unsure of the timing of groomsmen and bridesmaids to make sure it was uniformed and spaced correctly. This time, I was able to be with the bride but also see the bridesmaids and groomsmen move into their appropriate places (thank you, Melissa for helping me!) It was interesting to see how much space needed to be between everyone for it to work out. Everything was perfect for the ceremony! It was wonderfully sweet, but still short enough so that nobody passed out of heat exhaustion...we were worried about the groomsmen in their full black tuxedos.
Moving onto the reception, I will just share a few things that I learned throughout the night in list form:
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
What I Learnt...

1. Think Fast
Thinking quickly on your feet is a must for any wedding planner. Something will go wrong, a great wedding planner knows how to fix it and does it while keeping her cool. Without the magical cake cutting technique, at this weekend's weddings, serving the oh-so-delicious but oh-no-messy cake would have been impossible. (it was a Cheesecake, more on that later)
2. Now this is how its going to work
Vendors don't always follow the timeline or plan. No matter how many times you confirm, vendors can and will work at their own pace and do things their way. However, a great wedding planner (like, Melissa!) knows how to work with the many different vendors and their styles, ensuring the wedding goes off without a hitch.
3. You use that for what!?!...
White chalk works wonders on covering the inevitable wedding dress mystery spot. The uncommon uses for everyday products can be lifesavers on your wedding day. Never underestimate the power of the emergency bag.
4. Roll with the Punches
Flexibility is a requirement for any successful wedding planner. With the word planner in the job title, wedding planners are known for having every little detail planned out. However, you have to expect the unexpected and be willing and ready to adjust your ever-so-carefully thought out plans.
5. Be Our Guest, Put Our Service to the Test!!!!
Every guest will come to you with every obstacle. A great wedding planner must be prepared to handle any request from any guest. Be prepared for the random and bizarre but be sure to know when and how to talk a guest out of the over the top extras.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Things I used from my Wedding Bag!

This weekend we had a beautiful wedding outside at Kanapaha Botanical Gardens, it was HOT! But beautiful! The day started like any other wedding day, the bride and groom taking their photographs inside, but then they moved to the beautiful gardens at Kanapaha - lots of water was consumed!
Holly was a beautiful bride and I can't wait to get the pictures back from the photographer!
Here is what I used from my wedding bag this weekend!
Water: We had lots and lots of chilled water for the wedding party to drink, we needed to keep them hydrated and upright!
Ribbon: We had to make a bow super fast, because we needed to turn a boutonniere into a corsage, and that was our only weapon!
Floral Wire: To secure the bow and ribbon onto the boutonniere turned corsage.
Corsage Pins: We used them for all sorts of things, but to secure that bow onto the flower was one biggie!
Tide to Go Pen: The bride had gotten make up on her dress, and the Tide To Go pens work great for that! And then she had gotten some mascara on her, so for that we turned to...
Shout Wipe: See above. (But just plain rubbing alcohol works well too!)
White Chalk: To hide some of the dirt marks on the back of her dress.
Advil: Grumpy Bride = not fun --- Bride who got Aunt Flo on her wedding day with cramps = not fun (for anyone!)
Black Sharpie: To hide stains on the tuxedo
Safety Pin: To secure a button on the Tuxedo (just way faster than sewing it on)
It was such a beautiful wedding, and they make such a fantastic couple! I can't wait to see them when they get back from their honeymoon!
The Sunshine State of Mind!
Friday, June 13, 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Blue and Cream!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I heart Google!

- Search Engine - No! Search Whatever!
- Blog
- Blog in Advance (that's my new favorite!!!)
- Get Directions
- Get the News
- See your house from Space!
- And much, much more!
And one of my favorite features is Google Reader, you've probably heard people talk about it, but haven't checked it out, and if you haven't you are totally missing out! I feel it's the only way to read blogs! Honestly!
It's SOOOOO easy! If I can do it, anyone can!
First go to Google Reader.
Then, either log in to your Google Account or create one.
Then start copying and pasting your favorite blogs into Google Reader...
Promise it's that easy!!!
I feel like an infomercial, but it will save you tons of time!!! And money too, if you act RIGHT NOW! And I'll even throw in ......
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
So Funny!
Well, I get this email from my cousin... the one that was on the cover of the bridal mag!

She's totally incognito with those shades, right?
Blue and Brown... Oh My!

What do you think?